
The EU regulation establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) says that cross border users from other EU countries must have access to information and self-service solutions on, among other things, unemployment. Read these guides if you want information on how to apply for unemployment benefit, how to join a unemployment fund and much more.

Information on membership in English

Looking for essential information in English? Look no further. Our guides provide all the necessary details you need e.g., how to become a member during an evaluation employment.

Join an unemployment insurance fund

The EU regulation establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) says that cross border users from other EU countries must have access to information and self-service solutions on, among other things, unemployment. Read this guide if you want information on how to join an unemployment insurance fund and much more.

Declaration of unemployment/applying for unemployment benefits

The EU regulation establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) says that cross border users from other EU countries must have access to information and self-service solutions on, among other things, unemployment. Read this guide if you want information on how to apply for unemployment benefit and much more.

Fill in your monthly benefit card

The EU regulation establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) says that cross border users from other EU countries must have access to information and self-service solutions on, among other things, unemployment. Read this guide if you want information on how to fill in your monthly benefit card and much more.

Terminate your membership of the ’a-kasse’

The EU regulation establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) says that cross border users from other EU countries must have access to information and self-service solutions on, among other things, unemployment. Read this guide if you want information on how to terminate your membership of the ’a-kasse’ and much more.