Information on membership in English

Looking for essential information in English? Look no further. Our guides provide all the necessary details you need e.g., how to become a member during an evaluation employment.

Membership in Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse and entitlement to unemployment benefits

An unemployment insurance fund (A-kasse) and a trade union are two different organizations with two different types of tasks and services for you. Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse recommends that you become a member of both.

What is an Unemployment Insurance Fund?

An unemployment insurance fund takes care of your unemployment benefits and your unemployment insurance. By being a member of an unemployment insurance fund, it provides you with financial security and is your lifeline if you are unfortunate enough to become unemployed.

That security is with us. But it's important to say that you get much more out of it than just that. Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse is a special unemployment insurance fund because we focus on healthcare professionals.

Therefore, we have specialized offers for you who are in the healthcare field. Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse knows the challenges and strengths of its 7 professional groups better than anyone else.

We ensure that you receive the right assistance ranging from job searching to specific actions if you experience symptoms of stress. The offers are for both unemployed and employed individuals.

Membership in Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse

You can be admitted to Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse if you work in the healthcare sector and you and are educated in any of the following professions:

  • Nurse
  • Biomedical analyst
  • Midwife
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Radiographer
  • Psychotherapist MPF

We are the unemployment insurance fund for those of you who are students, recent graduates, candidates, unemployed, employees, and/or self-employed with a healthcare professional education.

For example, if you work as a nurse, you can be admitted to Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse. If you work 29 hours per week or less, you can choose whether you want to be partially insured or fully insured. If you work 30 hours or more per week, you will be fully insured.

Entitlement to unemployment benefits during unemployment

To receive unemployment benefits, you must:

  • have been a member of Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse for at least 1 year.
  • as a fully insured member, have had a total income of at least 263,232 DKK within the last 3 years. You can include a maximum of 21,936 DKK per month (2024 figures). You must have had this income while being a member of an unemployment insurance fund.
  • as a partially insured member, have had a total income of at least 175,488 DKK within the last 3 years. You can include a maximum of 14,624 DKK per month (2024 figures). You must have had this income while being a member of an unemployment insurance fund.
  • be available for the labor market, actively seeking employment, and registered as unemployed on from your first day of unemployment. If you report the highest allowable amount per month, it will take you 1 year to earn the right to a new period of unemployment benefits. If your earnings are lower, and thus you report a lower amount, the qualifying period will be correspondingly longer. This applies to both fully and partially insured members.
Meeting an income requirement

You must meet a so-called income requirement. You meet this requirement when a total income of at least 263,232 DKK has been reported to the income register within the last 3 years prior to your cessation.

A maximum of 21,936 DKK per month can be included. This means that it will take you at least 12 months to earn an income requirement. You can include A-income, B-income, and profits from self-employment from completed annual statements. You can only include income that falls within a membership period of an unemployment insurance fund.

Calculation of unemployment benefit rate

When you are to receive unemployment benefits, your benefit rate is calculated based on the 12 months with the highest income within the last 24 months prior to your cessation.

You can include A-income, B-income, and profits from self-employment from completed annual statements. Only income that falls within a membership period of an unemployment insurance fund can be included.

You can receive a maximum of 20,359 DKK per month. However, a maximum of 90% of your previous income. When you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund for at least four years and you meet a total income requirement of 526,464 DKK within 3 years, you may receive a calculated rate of up to 118.62% of the maximum unemployment benefit rate. In 2024, this corresponds to 24,199 DKK.


You must be available for the labor market to receive unemployment benefits. This means that you must be healthy and able to take on work at short notice.

Additionally, you must have residence in Denmark. You must actively seek a wide range of jobs, and you must register your job search activities.

When you are unemployed, you will have contact with us during the first 3 months, where we will have ongoing discussions with you about your employment opportunities and where we will help you get back to work.

How long can you receive unemployment benefits

You can receive unemployment benefits for 2 years within a 3-year period. We pay out unemployment benefits to you in hours, and the 2 years are calculated in hours, amounting to 3,848 hours that you can use within a 3-year period.

Each month, unemployment benefits are paid out based on 160.33 hours of unemployment. If you work, take vacation, or are sick, this will be deducted from the payment.

How can I ensure admission as a member during my employment evaluation?

You can be admitted to Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse once you have secured an employment evaluation and from the first day of this employment. You earn membership seniority from the date of your membership.

You can receive unemployment benefits if you meet the conditions for "Entitlement to unemployment benefits"

Membership benefits

We specialize in guiding healthcare professionals on jobs and careers. Use us whether you are unemployed, employed, self-employed, a leader, a student, or a recent graduate. We are Denmark's cheapest unemployment insurance fund.

Din Sundhedsfaglige jobportal - Denmark's largest job portal for healthcare professionals Check out our very own job portal, which provides you with the best overview of available positions for healthcare professionals with academic degrees and bachelor's degrees. Your Healthcare Job Portal gathers all positions posted in the healthcare field - including those exclusively advertised with us.

Book a consultation with a career consultant and strengthen your career or job search or join one of our exciting theme meetings. With Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse you can get inspiration for your career, well-being, or job search – see all our membership offers here:

Click the link to read more about membership benefits (in Danish).

English language policy in Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse

Our information regarding application procedures and our introductory information about unemployment is available in English. Other than that, all communication with Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse will be in Danish. Please note that it is your own responsibility to translate any letters or decisions you may receive from us.

If you need help understanding our letters, the rules or requirements, you are welcome to call us. We will do our best to find an English-speaking employee for you to talk to.

You can read all our guides in English

You can read more by following these links:

1. Join an unemployment insurance fund

2. Declaration of unemployment/applying for unemployment benefits

3. Fill in your monthly benefit card

4. Terminate your membership of the 'a-kasse'

Do you have any questions?

Call us on tel. +45 33 15 10 66 or send an e-mail to